

About TJAD


依托百年學(xué)府同濟大學(xué)的深厚底蘊,經(jīng)過(guò)半個(gè)多世紀的積累和進(jìn)取,TJAD擁有了深厚的工程設計實(shí)力和強大的技術(shù)咨詢(xún)能力。在全國各地、非洲、南美有近萬(wàn)個(gè)工程案例,如:上海中心、釣魚(yú)臺國賓館芳菲苑、2008奧運會(huì )乒乓館、援非盟會(huì )議中心、井岡山革命博物館新館、上海新天地廣場(chǎng)、2010上海世博會(huì )主題館、上海國際旅游度假區、上海自然博物館、上海交響樂(lè )團音樂(lè )廳、米蘭世博會(huì )中國企業(yè)聯(lián)合館、古巴哈瓦那酒店、加納共和國塞康迪體育場(chǎng)、特立尼達及多巴哥共和國國家藝術(shù)中心、蘇通長(cháng)江公路大橋、上海A5(嘉金)高速公路工程……


我們深知是客戶(hù)的信任使TJAD獲得了發(fā)展的機會(huì ),同時(shí)我們不會(huì )忘記我們的職責,TJAD將一如既往的承擔起企業(yè)的社會(huì )責任,為行業(yè)的發(fā)展和社會(huì )的進(jìn)步不懈努力。

Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.(TJAD), formerly known as the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tongji University, was founded in 1958 and has now developed into a well-known large-scale design & consulting group.

With one hundred years’history and the profound cultural foundation of Tongji University, TJAD has accumulated rich experience in both engineering design and technical consultancy through continuous progress in the course of half a century.

TJAD has the most extensive coverage of national qualifications. The business scope of TJAD includes consulting, engineering design, project management, geotechnical engineering and geological exploration in fields of building engineering, road engineering, municipal engineering, landscape, environmental pollution prevention, and conservation of historical and cultural relics , among others. It has dealt with thousands project cases in China, Africa and South America, such as Shanghai Tower, Fangfei Garden of the Diaoyutai State Guest House, Table Tennis Gymnasium of 2008 Olympic Games, African Union Conference Center, New Jinggangshan Revolution Museum, Shanghai Xintiandi, Theme Pavilion of 2010 Shanghai Expo, Shanghai International Tourist Resort, Shanghai Natural History Museum, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall, China Corporate United Pavilion of Expo 2015 Milan, Havana Hotel of Cuba, Saikang Di Stadium of the Republic of Ghana, and National Arts Centre of Republic Trinidad and Tobago, Sutong Yangtze River Highway Bridge, Shanghai A5 (Jiading-Jinshan) Expressway Project.

TJAD has employed more than five thousand outstanding architectural design and engineering personnel to provide top engineering consulting services for our clients. Meanwhile, we have been working hard to promote urban development and aiming to build a better life with our remarkable professionality.

We firmly believe it is the trust from our clients that gives TJAD opportunities to grow. And we also believe, as part of the industry and society, we shall make unremitting efforts for industry development and social progress, just like what we did in the past 60 years.

為踐行核心價(jià)值觀(guān),確保顧客的需求和期望得到確定和滿(mǎn)足,轉化為產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)的要求,并充分兼顧公司利益和社會(huì )利益,集團制定與總體戰略方向一致的企業(yè)方針,指引集團相關(guān)業(yè)務(wù)規定與流程制定、業(yè)務(wù)運作與組織文化建設,推進(jìn)集團管理,支撐集團實(shí)現持續有效增長(cháng),實(shí)現戰略目標要求,達成集團的愿景和使命。

  • 持續改進(jìn) 推動(dòng)技術(shù)進(jìn)步 增強客戶(hù)滿(mǎn)意

  • 持續改進(jìn) 保護地球家園 踐行社會(huì )責任

  • 持續改進(jìn) 以人為本 關(guān)心健康安全

作為企業(yè)文化的重要組成部分,全新的愿景、使命、核心價(jià)值觀(guān)和企業(yè)精神,與集團積淀多年形成的文化底蘊高度融合,并將支撐集團創(chuàng )新發(fā)展戰略的推進(jìn),指引集團業(yè)務(wù)拓展、品牌建設、人才培養等工作的開(kāi)展。集團將在此引領(lǐng)下,凝心聚力、開(kāi)拓奮進(jìn),為加快建設成為具有全球影響力和競爭力的一流設計咨詢(xún)企業(yè)而不懈奮斗。

  • 愿景 Vision

  • 使命 Mission

    用我們創(chuàng )造性的勞動(dòng)讓人們生活和工作在更美好的環(huán)境中
  • 核心價(jià)值觀(guān) Core Values

    以顧客為中心 與員工共同成長(cháng)
  • 精神 Spirit

    同舟共濟 追求卓越


  • 工程勘察資質(zhì)

    • 巖土
  • 工程設計資質(zhì)

    • 建筑
    • 市政
    • 公路
    • 環(huán)境
    • 風(fēng)景園林
  • 工程咨詢(xún)資質(zhì)

    • 建筑
    • 市政
    • 公路
    • 生態(tài)
    • 環(huán)境
  • 項目管理資質(zhì)

    • 建筑
    • 市政
    • 公路
    • 生態(tài)
    • 環(huán)境
  • 城鄉規劃資質(zhì)

  • 文物保護資質(zhì)

  • 對外承包資質(zhì)

  • 特種設備設計

土默特右旗| 张家口市| 乐平市| 阳泉市| 日照市| 大荔县| 裕民县| 兴国县| 潮州市| 彰化市| 临潭县| 武平县| 尚义县| 峡江县| 天柱县| 洪湖市| 湟中县| 通辽市| 宜春市| 平阳县| 连城县| 南汇区| 图木舒克市| 中牟县| 翼城县| 江源县| 钟祥市| 天长市| 昭通市| 喀喇| 阿坝| 四平市| 绵阳市| 临洮县| 读书| 涿州市| 蓝田县| 巢湖市| 兰州市| 天祝| 德安县|